Hospital Unimed Ribeirão Preto - 24h Emergency and Trauma Unit
The new unit works in a large area of ??the ground floor of the Hospital Unimed Ribeirão, with about 1,200 square meters and independent entrance. The structure has medical offices, rooms equipped for emergency care, wound suture rooms, orthopedic trauma room, isolation room and emergency beds. In addition to the support of a state-of-the-art structure already available at the Hospital, with state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging technology that includes computed tomography, MRI, X-ray and ultrasound, as well as an equipped clinical laboratory, modern hemodynamics.

The great differential of the Emergency and Trauma Unit of Hospital Unimed is the 24-hour medical team formed by specialists in Orthopedics, General Surgery, Neurology, Anesthesiology and Clinical Emergencies, in addition to a nursing team specialized in urgent and emergency care.

In this way, this Unit is endowed with all the support to attend cardiological, orthopedic, neurological and surgical emergencies of high complexity.


Access Control

Hospital Unimed Ribeirão has a rigorous process to protect the privacy and safety of patients, companions and professionals. One of them is the access control, made through magnetic cards. Only authorized persons may circulate on floors protected by ratchets and digital doors and circulation is permitted only at times designated for each employee. Other than that, access is restricted.

Waste Management

Waste management is a differential of the Hospital, which in addition to making the selective collection, destines the waste to Cooperativa Mãos Dadas, in the form of a donation. With respect to hospital waste, the separation is made between the biological, chemical and sharp-infecting infectors, with the correct destinations in appropriate landfills. The common waste, which represents 80% of the total volume of waste, goes to the municipal public collection.

Water Treatment

There is a rigorous treatment in the water that arrives until the taps of the Hospital Unimed Ribeirão, from the reservoirs until the end use. The system of air conditioning and air conditioning of the environments has a resource of capture and reuse of water in other functions, such as cleaning. The water heating is all done by solar energy, specially designed to compose requirements of sustainability and preservation of environmental resources.